Saturday, February 7, 2009


"You never come back, not all the way. Always, there is an odd distance between you and the people you love and the people you meet, a barrier, thin as the glass of a mirror. You never come all the way out of the mirror; you stand, for the rest of your life, with one foot in this world and one in another, where everything is upside down and backward and sad."

So I just finished reading Wasted and it was absolutely amazing! The quote above was my favorite quote in the entire book, I feel like she's describing my life in that quote because that's 100% the way I feel about my life. I'm starting a fast as of 7pm last night and I will stick to it! I need to drop 10lbs and quick! I also cut the word fat into my arm to motivate me.

Does anyone know of any other books about eating disorders that they've read and really liked? Cause I'd like to pick up some more books soon but I don't know what's good?


  1. really? i am reading that one right now and finding it hard to really get into.

    i really liked 'more then you can chew'

  2. I am also reading wasted and finding it difficult to get through...I am enjoying it though. I guess it's just that I'm not used to her style of writing or something. Anyways, I really liked the book "The Best Little Girl in the World" by Steven Levenkron. It was written in the 70's I believe, so it was really interesting to see how they treated people with anorexia.

  3. ooo! thats another one i'd like to read

  4. "Life Size" by Jennifer Shute is WONDERFUL!
    It's fiction but it's my absolute favorite, right up their with "Wasted."

  5. Hey, I like your blog, it's really down to earth. Another ana book that I really enjoyed was called 'Kid Rex'. My friend read it too, but I don't think she could enjoy it as much as I could

  6. Wasted is wonderful! Give "Stick Figure" a try. I'm gonna do a post about the books i like...check it out if you want! :)

  7. Like AnaBullshit said before me, you should read Stick Figure! I liked it a lot. I've heard so much about Wasted - I can't wait to read it myself. Stay strong!


  9. the best little girl in the world is alright.
    there's a movie too!

  10. Im so annoyed I went to Borders and they had no books! I went to get either wasted or winter girls! what sestion are these books in. I even asked a guy working there grrr!

  11. Hey hun
    Be strong
    Don't give up
    If you need to talk:

  12. wintergirls.
    was absolutely. amazing. re-read it 3 times in a week, was a huge motivation.
    you will not be able to put it down! follow me

  13. that quote makes me want to go pickup wasted as soon as possible

  14. Winter Girls was pretty good, and Stick Figure! And Feeling for Bones :D
