Tuesday, January 6, 2009

You remind me of the times when I knew who I was..

I feel so broken. As I mentioned in an earlier post, the only boy I ever loved was killed in a car accident nearly three years ago and no matter how hard I try to put it behind me I can't. Today I was at his mom's with my brother and some friends helping her move new furniture into her apartment and she gave me this beautiful silver bracelet with his name in script on it. I love it but of course it made me ball like a baby. I wanna wear it all the time but my friends will judge me..they think I should be over it by now and I just don't know how to explain to them what it feels like to lose someone that close to you..he was my everything and in an instant he was taken from me..no goodbyes, no more seeing him, no more talking to him, nothing..he was just gone. I don't know if any of you girls have lost someone like that in your lives but it's like..you never ever "get over it" you simply learn how to deal with it.

Anyway, I've been fasting today and I've been doing pretty well. I'm gunna try and go to bed early so that I'm not tempted by anything any longer than necessary. I'm also not weighing myself until the end of my fast in three days so that it will seem like a much more dramatic weight loss.

I hope everyone is doing well today! xoxo

1 comment:

  1. sorry to hear about the loss :( hopefully everything goes the way you want it to and this will be your year! :)
